Needtobreathe - Testify Lyrics

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Needtobreathe - Testify Lyrics

Needtobreathe - Testify Lyrics

Needtobreathe - Testify Lyrics

Needtobreathe - Testify Lyrics
Give me your heart Give me your song
Sing it with all your might
Come to the fountain
And you can be satisfied

There is a peace There is a love
You can get lost inside
Come to the fountain
And let me hear you testify

Into the wild
Canyons of youth
Oh there's a water to fall into
Weighless we'll dance
Like kids on the moon

Oh I will give myself to you
As soon as you start to let go

Give me your heart Give me your song
Sing it with all your might
Come to the fountain
And you can be satisfied

There is a peace There is a love
You can get lost inside
Come to the fountain
And let me hear you testify

Wave after wave as we close too deep
Oh I reveal my mistery
As soon as you start to let go

Give me your heart Give me your song
Sing it with all your might
Come to the fountain
And you can be satisfied

There is a peace There is a love
You can get lost inside
Come to the fountain
And let me hear you testify

There is a peace There is a love
You can get lost inside
Come to the fountain
And let me hear you testify

This stone the mountain
Rising from the ground
There's no denying beauty makes a sound
We can't escape it

There's no way to donunt
This stone the mountain
Rising from the guard

Give me your heart Give me your song
Sing it with all your might
Come to the fountain
And you can be satisfied

There is a peace There is a love
You can get lost inside
Come to the fountain
And let me hear you testify

There is a peace There is a love
You can get lost inside
Come to the fountain
And let me hear you testify

You can get lost inside
You can get lost inside
You can get lost inside
 Let me hear you testify

You can get lost
You can get lost inside
Let me hear your testify

You can get lost
You can get lost inside
Let me hear your testify

See Needtobreathe - Testify (Official Audio) below:
This video was uploaded by NEEDTOBREATHE on July 14, 2016

Note : This blog does not provide a download link Needtobreathe - Testify Lyrics.mp3

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