Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (Feat ZEDD) Lyrics

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Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (Feat ZEDD) Lyrics

Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (Feat ZEDD) Lyrics

Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (Feat ZEDD) Lyrics

Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (Feat ZEDD) Lyrics
You know just what to say
Shit That scares me I should just walk away
But I can't move my feet
The more that I know you The more I want to

Something inside me's changed
I was so much younger yesterday

I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you
Don't need to butterflies When you give me the whole damn zoo
By the way By the way You do things to my body
I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you


By the way By the way You do things to my body
I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you

You know just how to make My heart beat faster
Emotional earthquake Bring on disaster
You hit me hard and got me Weak on my knees

And something inside me is changed
I was so much younger yesterday yeeeee
So much younger yesterday ooooo

I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you
Don't need to butterflies When you give me the whole damn zoo
By the way By the way You do things to my body
I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you


By the way By the way You do things to my body
I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you
You you yeah Till I tasted you

By the way By the way You do things to my body
I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you
Uu uu uuu uuu

Na na na na
The more that I know you The more I want to
Something inside me's changed
I was so much younger yesterday

See Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (Feat ZEDD) (Official Audio) below:
This video was uploaded by Hailee Steinfeld on July 15, 2016

Note : This blog does not provide a download link Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (Feat ZEDD) Lyrics.mp3

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