A Day to Remember - Bullfight Lyrics

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A Day to Remember - Bullfight Lyrics

A Day to Remember - Bullfight Lyrics

A Day to Remember - Bullfight Lyrics
A Day to Remember - Bullfight Lyrics
What a waste I see you now and then
But mostly we pretend 
We're not more strangers than we're friends

Then we say What we need to say
To try and get away from
The tension we create

Why can't we say the things The things we wish we would
Why can't we laugh the way The way we know we should
Fall under the weight of all The pressure that's misplaced
Flaws that I embrace

Everybody sees your head's hung low
They don't ask they don't wanna know us
I'll be the one I'll be your spark
I'll be your light led through the darkness

Everybody sees your head's hung low
They don't ask they don't wanna know us
I'll be the one I'll be your spark
I'll be your light led through the darkness

I get 
I get
I get 
So misunderstood

Something changed The way we interact
Now we can't get it back
Another relic of the past
Relic of the past

Makes you think did I ever know you at all
Follow until I fall
Vultures circling in the sun
The sun the sun the sun

Why can't we say the things The things we wish we would
Why can't we laugh the way The way we know we should
Fall under the weight of all The pressure that's misplaced
Flaws that I embrace

Everybody sees your head's hung low
They don't ask they don't wanna know us
I'll be the one I'll be your spark
I'll be your light led through the darkness

Everybody sees your head's hung low
They don't ask they don't wanna know us
I'll be the one I'll be your spark
I'll be your light led through the darkness

I get
I get
I get 
So misunderstood

You can't just avoid the issue
You should've learned from the things we've been through
You don't know what you have until it's lost
Till the hammer drops

Brace Fall Brace Fall 
Brace Fall Brace Fall 
Brace Fall Brace Fall 

Fall under the wwight of all the pressure that's misplaced
Flaws that I embrace

Everybody sees your head's hung low
They don't ask they don't wanna know us
I'll be the one I'll be your spark
I'll be your light led through the darkness

Everybody sees your head's hung low
They don't ask they don't wanna know us
I'll be the one I'll be your spark
I'll be your light led through the darkness

I get 
I get
I get
So musunderstood

See A Day to Remember - Bullfight (Official Audio) below:
This video was uploaded by A Day To Remember on July 25, 2016

Note : This blog does not provide a download link A Day to Remember - Bullfight Lyrics.mp3

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